Friday, July 11, 2008

In Search of the Lowest Common Denominator

The following is a transcription of a telephone conversation between my main squeeze and I:

Tracey: Hello. [aggravated tone]

Jack: Hey, Trace. What’cha doing, babe?

Tracey: I’m in Wal-Mart running errands. I swear, the people who work and shop here just came from either a rodeo or a crack house. I need to take a bath.

Jack: What are you doing shopping at Wal-Mart anyway? They’re a huge contributor to the trade deficit with China. That place is the Fourth Reich—

Tracey: Ow!

Jack: What? What happened?

Tracey: Ugggh. Nothing!

Jack: Babe, what the fuck happened? What’s going on?

Tracey: Some [lowers voice] big fat bitch [raises voice to normal volume] just ran over my foot with her cart and didn't even apologize. She’s yelling at her five kids in some other language.

Jack: French?

Tracey: What?

Jack: Was it French?

(Awkward Silence)

Jack: The language she was speaking….was it French?

Tracey: Um, no, babe. I’m pretty sure it was Spanish.

Jack: You want me to come over there?

Tracey: And do what?

Jack: I don’t know. Good question.

Tracey: Okay, let me go.

1 comment:

DJ Tanner said...

Brilliant. Wal-Mart is a bigger threat to American civilization than Osama Bin Laden. However, it is a far bigger priority for our society that we can get a great deal on socks, milk and a plasma tv under the same roof.