Sunday, August 17, 2008

Vote or Die...Okay, You Won't Die, But You Will Feel Like Shit

If you would be so kind as to direct your attention to the right of this entry, beneath my handsome profile pic and the blog archive, you will notice a waggish little poll where your feedback is both requested and valued. I humbly ask your assistance in helping designate the self-loathing subgenre of writing which best applies to that which you have come to appreciate at United States of Apathy. Your choices are as follows:

- Pre-Apocalyptic Midnight Core
- Arctic Neo-Glam Death Prose
- Cerebral Slaughterhouse Basement Braintrust
- Aesthetic Homicide Belles-Lettres

Rock the vote. Choose or lose. Smackdown your vote. Let your voices be heard. Just click the goddamn button. Thank you.


overworked said...

I never miss an opportunity to have my voice heard by voting. However, I had no idea what "genre" of writing those categories indicated so I blindly cast my vote.

DJ Tanner said...

It's nice to know this vote will mean something. By the way, stop trying to rip off Sean "Puffy" Combs with the title of your post. Only Diddy himself can make a feable attempt to ROCK THE VOTE with such a lame slogan. However, I'm quite sure your efforts will get more than 4 people to vote... Oh yeah, I went there!

Yellow Thoughts said...

African-American Haberdashery wasn't a choice?