Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Step Into the Light

Renowned for its saturated colors, sensual images, and an unconventional use of space and scale, Yngwie Malmsteen’s “I’ll See the Light Tonight” is at once tangible and boundless. An epic exploration of visual representation, its validity is concrete, yet open to psychological interpretation. Thus it should come as no surprise that the shredmaster’s ingenious production is the fifth video to be decorated in this sanctimonious cock rock adytum.

“I’ll See the Light Tonight” examines, questions, and re-evaluates old and new ideas on such matters as the imitation of nature, the function of tradition, the problem of abstraction, the validity of perspective, and the analysis of expression, all of which reveal that pictorial representation is far from being a straightforward issue. Malmsteen applies the findings of experimental science to the understanding of art, yet retains a sense of wonder at the subtle relationships involved in the process of creation. He also battles sword-wielding demons and fire-breathing dragons with arpeggio chords.

Behold the alpha and omega of power metal videos, boasting the ideal combination of over-rehearsed strutting, around-the-back guitar spinning, and outrageous imagery.

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